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Lets get #BodyPositve2017!

“Hold your stomach in”, “You are so cute with your chubby cheeks”, “You need to go put on a girdle”, “You are thick”, these haunting statements and demands have ruminated in my mind for years.. At an early age, I learned the gravity of words and the ideologies behind such words and the impact felt by not only me but many other women. The perpetuation of equating one’s beauty with one’s size crosses racial and cultural boundaries. The idea of being thin in stature was deemed more acceptable than one who had curvaceous hips and voluptuous thighs. So, growing up, I never felt comfortable in my own body. I would always compare myself to other girls and this continued on into my adulthood. I have been on a never -ending cycle to fit into a particular size. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? From the cabbage soup diet to Jenny Craig to Weight Watchers to diet pills to the Paleo diet, the quest to lose weight and wear the slimmer jeans was to reach the perceived acceptable and beautiful body image.

Many of you, like myself, have struggled or still struggle with what is called BODY DISSATISFACTION. This epidemic has many of us making New Year’s resolutions based on the idea of getting into that “ideal” size is what we should do to look beautiful or sexy and we run to the gym in attempts to make it happen. Instead of looking at trying to be that ideal size, how about focusing on two of my suggestions?. ( I have more,but let's just work on two right now!)

  1. Becoming a healthier you ( emotionally, physically and spiritually)

  2. Becoming Body Positive!

Granted many of us do want to lose weight to become a healthier self. Whatever inspires you to live a healthy life for reasons that keep you here on earth longer is sustainable well -being. I am all for that!!

However, doing fad diets, extreme weight loss boot camps and quick loss weight challenges in order to get those flat abs and break into that size 6 is not sustainable well- being. that I have been there and never want to return. Because what often happens is that you gain more weight after you have lost your desired weight and you still might have not looked at the root of your challenges with weight.

Secondly, becoming Body positive is loving your whole body, just the way it is.

I am calling to action the women who are tired of struggling to fit in.. looking a certain way. I am calling to action women who need some support and guidance in getting unstuck from not loving their bodies.

I want you to take the #BodyPositive2017 pledge. We are going to move from away from those negative thoughts about ourselves and grab hold of positive thoughts while we support each other. . But the first step to becoming body positive is becoming VULNERABLE. Researcher, Storyteller, Brené Brown recorded a TED talk on The power of vulnerability. She says the underpinning of vulnerability is

" I am not good enough" . When did you begin to think that you were not good enough just the way you are? I believe we have to be vulnerable enough to look at what we don't like about ourselves ,why, where did that come from and liberate ourselves in a more compassionate way so we can love ourselves just the way we are! I would like you to watch this video and reflect on what you need to do become more vulnerable and begin to walk into #bodypositive2017.

So, if you are interested in getting involved in #BodyPositive2017 and would like to join a supportive online community, I have created a closed FB page called “Body Positive 2017”. Find and ask to join. Once you join, you will have access to a space for women to build community and healing as we view our whole bodies in a positive manner. This is OUR place to share ways that we can love ourselves. Please feel free to post pictures, quotes, videos, events, readings, webinars, etc that support and uplift women.

I would like you to share your thoughts, questions and concerns in this supportive environment. Please invite any of your girlfriends, sisters, daughters, aunts, nieces etc. that would be interested..

Peace and Positivity!

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